Saturday, July 5, 2008


HOW APPOSITE THAT, on July Fourth and today, I have been striking a blow for independence from Groundhogs. This is just to keep you up to date on the struggle...
I was worried that our groundhogs/woodchucks have been making a home in the floorspace under the living room window. Yesterday, I dug the earth away (after cutting back the brier rose bushes so that I could do the work). This revealed that their ingress was limited to a temporary burrow under the window box; quite a relief, I can tell you! They have now been barred from that space by netting and here are two pictures to show you have I have gone about the job.

You can see how the netting gets tucked into the siding at the ends. I then replace the earth, making sure that it slopes away from wall. If the woodchuck attempts to return it will be standing on the netting which juts out about 15 inches. I just have to make sure there is no occupant when I close up the ends.

Woodchucks appear to be opportunistic burrowers and not as serious as Aussie rabbits are when it comes to burrows.

They have another burrow under the garden shed and I think there is a more permanent set up in the far corner of the garden where there are lots of bushes and plenty of cover. I plan to tackle the garden shed next. I thought you might like to see my favorite woodchuck; more like woodchugalug.
This is not such a bad brew...only 4% alcohol so it is really quite sweet compared with the 10% hard stuff to which I am accustomed. Maybe it is because I bought it at the supermarket. In NY State, the supermarkets cannot sell anything more alcoholic than beer.

After I took this picture of the little woodchuck tucking into a pear I was out on the back deck recovering from all the digging (with aide of a beer) and what did I spy down at the bottom of the yard but two woodchucks...the regular old guy and his new consort. I think they have one or two young ones.

They do not live together, mum and dad, but seem to spend a lot of time visiting.

Here are a couple of pictures of the lucky couple.

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