Monday, November 3, 2008



A longtime friend wrote me: 'Robert, are you voting Nov 4th? Are you voting for the right person?'

Yes, I am and, Yes I think I am. If you live in the US, there is a strong feeling abroad that this Election Day will be one for the history books. It is my first opportunity to vote for a presidential election since my naturalization. Just figuring out how to use a voting machine will be quite a challenge (in Australia, we use pencil and paper, which could be quicker and certainly less expensive and, in the state where I last voted, Washington, it was all postal voting).

It could well be a day for the records in terms of the numbers of registered voters voting.

So we will vote and wait to see the outcome.

We have been enjoying wonderful autumn weather: sunny days and frosty mornings. How good it was to 'fall back in the Fall' last Sunday to rejoin standard time. Begun during wartime, long ago, Daylight Saving persists despite economic analyses suggesting that is does not save energy and costs more that remaining on standard time. At least the sun now gets up at a more convenient time.

The fine weather has extended the suitability of bike riding. Corning has some really beautiful countryside and, from where I live, I am quickly into rural scenery and quiet roads that often run alongside the rivers jn the valleys. Climbing out of the valleys can be quite a grunt, I do admit.

At the end of my last ride, I was lying on my back on the rear deck looking up at the blue, cloudless sky and the autumn leaves and suddenly thought, 'Photos". Jumping up I got myself inside and returned with my camera. So, here is what I had been looking at:

Once you get going with a camera, it can be amazing how that changes how you look at familiar scenes. Suddenly, instead of leaves to be mulched, lawn to be mowed, fallen branches to be picked up...there were scenes to be photographed!

The local squirrels seem to love this weather also. Of course, they are busy finding and burying seeds for their winter larders. Nonetheless, they find time to frolic about together in the sun. They love the breezes which seem to get them quite excited. Have you ever looked at a squirrel's tail lit from behind by the evening rays of sunlight. Their fur is amazingly fine and their tails are electric with small tremors. Almost as in the Spring, they run about, chasing each other up and around the trunks of the trees...squirrel aerobatics!

This pic eventuated as my favorite for the day. Luckily for me, the three trees in the yard take in turns to shed their leaves. This tree is the last and it may be several more days before all its leaves havel fallen. The streets are lined with heaps of leaves at the front of all the houses...except for our place where, at the rear, compost grows higher with each mowing.

Have you ever wondered where the squirrels go during Winter? Chipmunks pop in and out of their holes while woodchucks retire to the burrows to hibernate and to have their litters. One thing squirrels do is to construct nests made of leaves in the forks of three branches. This tree has such a nest, about two thirds of the way to the top. Also, while woodchucks sleep the squirrels may decide to squat in the woodchuck holes. The woodchuck are generous chaps and do not seem to mind the occasional guest.

We have had two days when fine snow fell, quietly materializing all around then melting as soon as the flakes found the ground. This sent me into the shed to recover my skis with the aim of getting my winter gear in order. Also, the promise of snow had me swapping out my snow tires. I am keeping my fingers crossed as such behavior has been know to send snow away. After election day, I plan to drive north to check out cross country ski areas between Lake Ontario and the Adirondacks Park.

Happy Election Day if you live in the US and, if in Canada or Australia, enjoy the spectacle.


Anonymous said...

What beauty in nature ! Thank you for the photos and also the smile that comes with thinking about how you combined cross country skiing, snowtires, elections and squirrels. Somehow they do all fit together. Waking up this morning (November 5th), the world feels different - that maybe the sky is a little clearer and the future brighter. Thank you for helping to focus that for me...

Roberto said...

Hi There, Glenn. Yes, it was a bit of a mixture. You may be interested to hear that I was the first person to vote at our local polling place. My first Presidential election...our county is McCain territory but it was good to see that NY carried the day overall. President-Elect Obama has a tough task ahead so we had all better stay the course with him.