Wednesday, February 16, 2011


At left, Roberto's feet. After several months of Aussie Summer and wearing sandals most days, my feet and other parts of me have become tanned here and there.

I am writing this at the end of my first complete day in San Francisco (SFO). From go to whoa, 28 hours of travel and airports. Up at 4 AM on Tuesday, car to Adelaide Airport, flight to Melbourne where I waited four hours to board the United Airlines flight to Sydney (very nice upgrade to Business Class) and then a further three hours to board UA870 for SFO (back to Coach). Aided by a good jet stream, the flight across the Pacific was only 12 & 1/2 hours; the 747 was about half full so there was plenty of room. Just about as good as one might expect. Arriving at 10:30 AM Tuesday (SFO time), process through customs was really amazingly quick. The BART train was waiting to go and I got off at Pleasant Hill at 12:45 PM to find my friend Frank Wright waiting for me. Altogether, a smooth and almost enjoyable journey!

To minimize jet-lag, I stayed up to 10 PM, nodding off here and there, until finally succumbing to an amazing ten hours of sleep. And what a grand start to my time in and jazz/blues for lunch, visit to the UC Botanical Gardens following, and then a very enjoyable evening meal out that included a delicious calamari steak, not forgetting to mention excellent company. So to the end of this day and this posting.

It is good to be back in the USA where I feel strangely at home. February 19 marks the beginning of my 17th year of living here, so that is not so surprising perhaps. This begins quite an adventure the end of which is hard to predict. You will just have to watch this space is it unravels.

1 comment:

Roberto said...

The eye of the needle transmogrified into a somewhat tortuous wormhole, if you can hear me from within, that is